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Prayer Chain
- Some members of Brown Deer UMC have volunteered to be a part of this special Prayer Ministry, praying for our family’s and friend’s needs as soon as we are notified
- If you have a need you’d like the members of the PRAYER E-CHAIN to pray for, please call 414-354-5043 or email,
- You may ask for privacy, which will be respected.
Home Bound Care & Visitation
- A group of volunteers provides one-on-one support to persons in hospitals and nursing centers, and the homebound through regular visits and the sharing of communion, in coordination with the Pastor.
- We support existing volunteers, and recruit and train new volunteers to assist in the homebound and nursing home ministries.
- If you are interested in volunteering for this ministry, or need more information, contact the church office @ 414-354-4477
God Squad (hospitality for funerals)
- The God Squad is a group of dedicated volunteers who provide hospitality for funerals
- Typical responsibilities include providing a post-funeral meal in our Fellowship Hall, bringing baked goods, setting-up and taking down of tables and chairs, and clean-up
- If you are interested in volunteering with the God Squad, please contact the church office @ 414-354-4477
Birthday Cards for Children/Youth
- We mark the birthdays of our children and youth with birthday cards
- If you’d like to reach out in love to our children and youth in this way, please contact the church office @ 414-354-4477
College Care Packages
- The transition from home to college is an important transition in the life of a young person.
- We keep in touch with our college age youth, and let them know we are thinking of them by providing college care packages
- If you’d like to volunteer to prepare college care packages, please contact the church office @ 414-354-4477